I have a problem. I am competitive. Not outwardly, but I want other people to see me and go “wow … she’s so smart.” Before I decided I wanted to go back to school I was constantly back and forth because I graduated with a business degree, and started my career in consulting at the #1 place to launch your career. So why would I spend 100,000+ give up two years of my life and get another degree? I finally skiied into a tree and was thrown into one of the messiest industries in the United States: health care. After spending those two weeks in the hospital and dealing with two and a half years of physical therapy and five surgeries, I found a place where my hard work would literally be improving peoples lives. So here I am in school to learn health care, and this week I found myself at a consulting club meeting. There’s something about the fact that so many people want to do it, and I already have that makes me want to say “Hey!! I did that!!!” or “Hey!! That company will hire me!!” I have no idea why … I don’t want to do that job! I get swept up in everyone else getting excited about it and think that what they want could be what I want, even though I know it’s not. It’s funny that when a company with a big name in the consulting industry comes on campus, suits come out and business cards, and everyone hovers around them in the hallways “networking.” Don’t be a sheep if you’re not a sheep!!
It’s sort of like when your friend opens an almond joy and
starts eating it. I’m not hungry … but I
want it. Then I take a bite and realize
I don’t like coconut. I’m glad I at
least can recognize now that Consulting is coconuts. So I’m joining some health care clubs, and I’m
making a plan to find some people in the industry to job shadow and
informational interview. (I’d like to
stop saying things like networking and informational interview as soon as
possible … But I think until I have an internship set up, I have to keep
talking like the punch line of a show like “The Office.”)
191 Miles Down 124 Miles To Go
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