Monday, April 8, 2013

Hills and Lies

What is wrong with my body?  I've been a grown up for roughly five years.  I usually wake up between 5:00 AM and 6:00 AM, Monday through Friday.  On weekends, I'd like to wake up after eight to ten hours of good sleep.  No matter how late I stay up, if I drink or if I just watch movies, I wake up by 7:30 and am WIDE awake.  My body would rather wake up early and be tired all day than continue sleeping past the wee hours of the weekend morning.  So I finally accepted it, and I woke up early to go for a long run in the suburbs.  I've known for a long time that I am a city girl, and I love everything about living downtown.  However, I'm the outsider in my family, they all love the suburbs.

Anyways, there is a running path by the home I grew up in that I use to run all the time.  Today I ran past all my high school friends old houses, and all the places we use to hang out.  It was a nice little run down memory lane, both ex boyfriends are married and moved away.  My best friend who I spent most of grade school living with is married with a baby (one of the cutest babies ever) and living in California.  It was a quick memory filled run.  I always thought it was three miles, and I have literally never ran the whole thing.  There is this tiny hill that always gets the best of me.  It is somehow perfectly placed so that when I hit the running wall, I am right at the bottom of this hill.  I usually can't breathe at that point and I just stop.  After realizing that I had run three full miles and not made it to the hill, I started giving up in my mind.  I had that thought where you've already reached that goal, so you can just stop anytime now.  But then I rounded the corner and saw this tiny hill, and I just took off!  I sprinted over it, and ran the entire fourth mile.  I even had an eight minute mile in there, which I haven't done since high school.  It's funny that when you stop focusing on the goal, you crush it.  That little voice in your head that says "stop now you've done good enough" is just a tiny little liar.

60 Miles Down 190 Miles To Go

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