Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Skinny Fat

It's time to make some decisions.  I've been planning and planning and waiting and waiting.  It's time to start acting.  I've been told before "Planning is everything, but plans are nothing."  I have all these ideas shaping up and grand plans on how I'm going to reshape my life.  So I'm just jumping in and making deicions.  I'm officially signed up to go to Kenya.  I'll be there 10 days.  I'm taking two months off work to refresh and travel.  I'll have an apartment for one of them ... which is either going to be an amazing idea or a really stupid one.  Now I just need to find a place to live once I get there.  The apartment searching process is such a pain in the butt that I've considered living out of a suitcase.  I started sending out roommate feelers, and so far I've heard from a guy that lives in Egypt and a girl from Lebanon.  This is going to be so different than undergrad where I went to school in a corn field with a bunch of small town Indiana kids.  They actually had a take your tractor to school day.

I feel like I'm starting to rock my career choices, but I need to get everything else in line.  My dating ban is super boring, but I'm starting to eat really healthy and spend a LOT of time working out and running.  It's amazing how much this stretch of not dating has cleared my mind.  At the same time I'm dropping weight.  Fast.  For the first time since my skiing accident the weight on my drivers licence is not a lie.  I've set a vacation, chosen a school, picked a quit date, paused relationship land, and now I will focus on my body.  It's time to get skinny hot, not just skinny fat.  Dropping weight doesn't make you rock a bikini, I want definition.  I downloaded a body builder ten week tone plan and a bunch of inspirational workout routines.  None of which I have had the courage to start, but I think it's about time.  This weekend.

62 Miles Down 188 Miles To Go

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