Friday, November 29, 2013

Closing Recovery and Patience, Opening Fun and Adventure

I love the holidays.  There's nothing that makes me soooo happy and sooo incredibly frustrated simultaneously.  I survived Thanksgiving dinner without eating meat.  I thought being "vegetarian" (flexitarian, pescatarian whatever fancy label I fall under while I'm trying to be healthy) would be tricky, but Thanksgiving sides are amazing.  And I took a poll and realized that most people don't even like Thanksgiving turkey.  Anyways, I ate so much I needed to get my but in motion.  Once I stood between my dad and the TV long enough I was able to convince him to take me to the gym, and I had an amazing treadmill run at my old meathead gym.

I finally feel like I live in Boston, I came home and everything was pretty much the same, but everything was so different.  My brother and his girlfriend moved in together.  They're starting to make the suburbs look not so scary.  Their problems are actually hilarious.  My brother moved in with a bed frame and six gaming systems, and she moved in with 1,000 boxes.  My favorite addition of hers is her five Christmas trees.  My brother's rule for her is "One in, two out."

One running annoyance snuck up on me that I thought for sure I was done with... Shin splints.  How did they find me?!  I haven't had them in months.  The last three runs, I've been basically running through them trying not to notice they were happening.  And then it hit me, I need new shoes!!  I've run out a pair of shoes.  I know this is cheesy, but I was thinking about how far I've come in these shoes.  I was bored, broke, and lonely.  Now I'm anything but bored, still broke (but on my way to making money!!), and being lonely sometimes doesn't bother me anymore.  Now I get to buy new shoes, and see where these next ones take me.  For my next pair of shoes, I want to focus on fun and adventure.  I'm closing the chapter on recovery and patience.

236 Miles To Go 79 Miles To Go

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