Today is the worst day of the year. It's 365 more days until Christmas comes again. I always hate today. So much that I want to change this when I have my own family. It's frustrating how on holidays families get pulled between a million different houses, or maybe this is just a divorce kid problem. Anyways, I want to have my family celebrate the holiday the day after just us. It'll be our own holiday that we can always have, and never overlap with another family party. Then maybe I will love today :)
I forced myself on another four mile run, because I realize that after a year of crazy hard work ... I may not make my goal. I may fall behind because I got overwhelmed with work in graduate school and didn't put in the time. I stood between my dad and the TV again until he caved and took me to the gym. I told him it was too cold outside for me to run, so I needed him to take me to the gym as his guest. Which was true, but I also know he feels better when he comes home from working out. Successful use of peer pressure :)
This year I spent Christmas running from my dads girlfriends house to my brothers girlfriends, and I started wondering if I really wanted to be in a relationship. Yes, it's a lot of fun to buy yourself fun presents, but it's also a lot of fun to buy them for someone else! (And get them of course ...) I've had such a focus on school and job searching that I've really not dated anyone (except dimples) since I got here. I think this is the first Christmas since high school that I wasn't in a relationship or missing someone I use to be dating. I think my problem is that I've been pretty bad in the past of "picking" who to date. I dated someone who was an emotional roller coaster, then moved on to someone who was so flat lined and noncommittal we didn't fight ever in the four years we dated. Not sure if this is good or bad, but I'm going to eat a ton of food tonight and just have fun with my family. I'll be leaving them soon for a bobsled race anyways!!
249 Miles Down 66 Miles to Go