Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Don't Accept Clutter

A body in motion stays in motion ... A body at rest lays by the pool and occasionally flips.  That is exactly what I've been doing.  I've had problems lately like "I can't get sunscreen on my back, so I had to go out and buy spray sunscreen." or "I can't finish my beer laying on my stomach and my back is already tanner than my front."  Sometimes it's so refreshing to worry about silly small things like tanning and deciding between pizza or a hot dog.

Lately I've started to notice a separation between my good friends.  The ones that realize I'm moving, and the ones that don't.  (I realize how selfish that statement sounds...) I just want to see everyone before I go, and it's odd to see my friends split into these two groups.  I have some friends that want to see me all the time, and go out all the time and have a great summer.  Some of them ... go in early because they're tired, or make the silliest excuses.  I know that I handle this type of change differently than most people.  I want to soak up as much of Chicago and my friends and family here until I can't anymore because I live next door to Fenway Park instead of Wriggley.  I'm starting to realize who I am going to really miss.

I'm also realizing that this happens with dating ... As soon as I say that I'm going to school in another state everything fizzles.  And I'm not complaining that this is a bad thing, just noticing that it happens.  I'm not sure I'd want to try to date someone long distance unless I was already very close to them.  I don't like being in a situation and wondering if things would be different if I were staying here.  I think it's going to take me actually moving to get over that feeling though.  I was seeing someone a little, and I haven't seen him in a month.  We still keep in touch, but I hate the feeling that I'm chasing a boy.  I think it may be time to let that one rest.

The past few weeks, I've been focusing largely on eliminating one problem from my life: clutter.  I fully admit, I am a bit of a hoarder.  I have six coffee creamer containers on my counter because I may see something cute on pinterest one day.  I have thirty food magazines just incase I want to look for a recipe.  My closet is bursting full, and I have roughly seventeen blankets littering my apartment.  So this week, I threw away the coffee containers.  If I do eventually make a craft, I will have craft clutter, which will be more annoying than empty container clutter.  I cut out some recipes I thought I'd want, and ditched the magazines.  I have three garbage bags full of clothes to donate.  As it turns out, I love empty space!  I love it!  I love seeing an empty shelf ... I love seeing the floor.  I love the space in my closet, and the fact that I don't feel pressured to make pieces of clothes work that I don't really want to wear.

So ... I started thinking, if removing stuff I don't need, why can't I do this with other things?  I have some friends who I do things I hate doing just to see.  For example, spend a ton of money on a fancy meal that I didn't really want to eat.  Go see movies I don't really want to see.  Spend time doing things I don't actually want to do.  Why do we do these things?  It's time to cut out the crap.  I'm going to carve out more time to run because I loved doing it.  Well I didn't love doing it, but I loved being done with a long run, and it's been two weeks!

I also think this works with dating.  My college ex is back in Chicago ... Ah!  So I got dinner with him again, and he did something that frustrates me.  He paid for it.  I am uncomfortable with guys that I am dating doing this, but my exboyfriend doing it is even worse ... So after we had dinner, he asked me to dinner again.  And I said no.  The conversation quickly spiraled into ...

Him: "Please forgive me if I ask you to dinner again."
Me: "I'm not comfortable with you paying."
Him: "You're a student.  Get over it"
Me: "No.  I can pay for myself and I prefer to."
Him: "Tough cookies."
Me: "This is not a debate.  I will pay for myself or I am busy."
Him: "So sorry our schedules didn't work out."

Are exboyfriends clutter?  I was so happy once I got over him that I wasn't with him anymore.  He was constantly forcing me to be something I didn't want to be.  It happen subtly ... "I like when you don't wear t-shirts." "Why don't you go to the gym?" "Don't eat McDonalds." "Wear your hair in a ponytail." I trusted him, so I didn't notice it.  But the truth is, I hate being around people that won't let me be me.  Friends or someone I'm dating.  I think in the past I would have just gone back to my ex because he was there and "chasing" me.  I would have forgot about the guy who I actually liked.  When I know neither of those outcomes are what I would have picked.

So it's time to declutter my life a little bit more, and turn down things I don't want.

127 Miles Down 123 Miles To Go
4 Bikram Yogas

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