Ugh. My dad has ruined my life. I think most of my friend's parents have given them enough scaring to have a personality, but not enough to mess them up too bad. For example, when I was little, my dad would never say no to me when I would ask for something. He would simply sing "You can't always get what you want..." Over and over. Even today when I am in a store and they play that song, I leave without buying anything. That is not a song you play where people are coming to purchase items. But this is not what I was thinking about today.
He's made it so that I have ridiculous expectations of guys I date. My dad cooks for me, buys my groceries, pumps my gas, opens doors, runs to the car to bring in my things, drops me off at the restaurant so I don't have to walk, let's me use anything of his that I need regardless of what it was, and anything else I ask him for he does. It's awful, but it's the way I'm use to being treated from him. When I go on a date and I don't get dropped off at the restaurant, I wonder why he is making me walk from the car to the front door of the restaurant. I need someone to put my jacket on me when we leave, open the door, and make sure I'm happy. Don't get me wrong, I fully expect to do the same thing for whoever I end up with, but I'm not use to dating someone who is this considerate.
Last week I went on the first good first date I've had in a long time. I finally stayed for a third beer! No escape route necessary. He came downtown to me, he paid, he got me a cab, and we talked for hours without getting bored. The one thing I'm a little on the fence about is dating someone before I leave, but it was refreshing to know chivalry isn't completely gone.
39 Miles Down 211 Miles To Go
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