Second pain in the a$$. Work. I can not stay focused. Maybe I'm just so excited thinking about my next step, but it's like trying to pay attention to a tennis match. I miss having a manager that pushed me and I learned from. I want to be challenged. I did something risky this week and applied for a job at a hospital. It's process improvement inside a hospital. Improving customer experience, quality of care, and the experience of someone extremely sick or injured. Post graduate school, this is where I want my career to go, for personal reasons.
Four years ago I was in a skiing accident, and it was awful. I broke both my hips and really messed up my knee. After spending two weeks in the hospital, I know there is so much that can be improved. I remember so many things that happened to me that made the whole experience a nightmare (aside from all the broken bones). I remember laying in the hospital bed after the initial assessment hoping I would make it back to the cabin to sit in the hot tub. I had fallen rolled and was stopped by two trees. One tree to my hip breaking both of them, and my left leg wrapped around the other tree. The surgeon came into the room and just looked at me and said "It's time to call your dad, we're clearing the operating room for you because we need to reattach your leg." He started explaining all the damage I had done to myself. My right leg was not attached to my body. My left hip was broken. I had shattered three ligaments in my left knee and broken two other bones in my knee. I think he must have noticed the blank stare on my face because he started to draw a picture on the wall of where my leg had broken and come off my body. Mid sentence I just burst into tears. I was about to start a long long long rehab. Today for the first time since then, I ran like before the accident. That surgeon told me I would probably not run the same as I did before, but I'm going to show him now.
30 Miles Down 220 Miles to Go
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