Friday, March 8, 2013


Today I was so sore ... I had to force myself to get moving.  I remember when I use to train for dance that when you were sore the best thing you can do is dance more.  Lactic acid builds up in your muscles and the more you move them the more it breaks up and untangles from your muscles.  Basically all this stuff gets stuck in your muscles and you have to work to get it out, or you can sit around and wait for it to go away.  I picked running.  I went against my better judgement this week and sent my ex a note.  My apartment is packed with his furniture ... and after exchanging a few messages I felt so much better.  He's going away, and I'm getting to leave.  I'm starting to feel like a broken record talking about him, and I'm wanting to get all this lactic acid out of my system and move on.

When I was in consulting, I traveled Monday through Friday (for the most part) and was use to being uprooted and relocated to a new state, new team, new project on a whim.  I spent three and a half years there, and I was in: Florida, Arizona, Michigan, Illinois, New Jersey, California, Ohio, Minnesota, South Dakota, and I'm sure I'm forgetting another one.  I'm not use to staying in one place this long.  I'm starting to feel like I'm leaving a project that I've been on for way too long.  I feel like I'm becoming disconnected and things that use to bug me I can't even remember anymore.  Bring on Boston!!  All I can think about is starting classes, lots of beer and seafood, a new apartment (with no old memories), leaving my job, and for the first time leaving my little midwest home (Chicago is not that "little", but I've been here pretty much my whole life ... so it seems small).  I feel like I'm untangling from all the things I get to leave behind and starting to get so excited for all the new things that will be happening.  No more sitting inside, I'm going to start knocking things off my Chicago bucket list, and letting myself untangle from all lactic acid built up in my life.

21 Miles Down 229 Miles To Go
1 Bikram Yoga

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